All Ah We is One


The main objective was to capture people with their diversities and how they become a unity. To achieve this I used shapes and vibrant colors that blend harmoniously. Each one of us has grew up in different societies, thus formed a different character and values in life. Like shapes. Each one of us has his own temper, his own feelings and emotions, goodness and rancour. Passionate, balanced or unbalanced, nervous, ugly or beautiful, peaceful, egotistical, lazy, hard-workers, generous, tight, hateful or lovable, lonely. So many different characteristics, like the color table. Some of the patterns are strict, following a motif, some others are more playful, with small surprises messing up the strict motif. All vibrant colored because this is the human nature.

“If you wish to use this poster art on you website or blog please contact us and request permission. All posting should give credit to the artist.”
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