Zeibekiko Dance


Zeibekiko (Greek: Ζεϊμπέκικο) is a Greek folk dance.

The name is derived from Zeibek warriors of Anatolia.[2]

The dance is of free choreographic structure. A solo dance strictly masculine and is considered in some cases offensive to be interrupted by another dancer. Occasionally dancers perform feats such as standing on a glass of wine or a chair or fireplace, or picking up a table, adding a sense of a little braggadocio and humor.

Has no steps. Is a hieratic dance with inner tension and sense that the dancer must know and respect it. It is the physical expression of defeat. The despair of life. The unfulfilled dream. Is the “do not get through.” The evil you see it coming. The complaint of souls which were not adapted to the class of others.

The real man is not ashamed to reveal pain or weakness, ignores the social conventions and shallow respectability.

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